Stewardship Code Disclosure

Under the Financial Conduct Authority’s Conduct of Business Rules 2.2A.5 and 2.2.3R, Signal Capital is required to make a public disclosure about the nature of its commitment to the UK Financial Reporting Council’s Stewardship Code (the Code) or, where it does not commit to the Code, its alternative investment strategy.

The Code aims to enhance the quality of engagement between institutional investors and companies to assist in improving long-term returns to investors and the efficient exercise of governance responsibilities. It is to be applied by firms on a “comply or explain” basis.

The Code is a voluntary code, first published in 2010 and subsequently subjected to updates in 2012 and 2020. The Code published in 2020 consists of a set of Principles for asset owners and asset managers.

Whilst Signal Capital agrees with the aspirations of the Code and the high standards set out in the Code’s Principles, the firm considers that the Code’s Principles are not presently applicable to its investment strategies. Signal Capital will, however, continue to review this disclosure on at least an annual basis and will monitor the applicability of the Code to the firm and its investment activities from time to time.

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